

Last Saturday I attended the MN Holistic and Herbal Educational Festival in Cannon Falls, MN.  It was excellent!  From the sessions offered to the people attending to the teachers, all was great.  The only thing I didn’t like was the fact that I wanted to attend more then one of the classes in each session!  But I had to chose, and that was hard.  I attended the two herbal walks in the morning, and the aromatherapy and tincture making in the afternoon. One of the many things that I learned – daylily flowers taste awesome!  I did a little research afterwards and found some wonderful  websites (links below) that share some good information on these abundant flowers.  Next year when my daylilies are ready, I will try them in a recipe and and let you know the results. Please Do Eat the Daylilies How to Sustainably Harvest and Eat Delicious Daylilies The Edible Daylily

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